Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!
In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize your fridge.
Let’s go!
Day 20: Organize Your Fridge
Step 1: Grab a bag and open your fridge. Quickly scanning your shelves from top to bottom, toss into the bag anything that:
- Has passed its use-by date
- Has wilted, sprouted, or smells funky
- No-one eats.
Step 2: Quickly wipe down the shelves (work around the remaining items).
Step 3: Do a quick tidy of the remaining items in your fridge.
And you’re done!
Got an Extra 5 Minutes?
Let’s freshen up the freezer:
- Scan your freezer and discard anything ancient, expired or of unknown provenance.
- Quickly wipe down the shelves or drawers.
- Do a quick tidy of the remaining items in your freezer.
Tomorrow we’ll declutter your pantry.
The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!
Got a Question?
If you have questions about any of the 30-Day Organize-athon tasks, or the 30-Day Organize-athon program in general, please ask your question on this Q&A post or on this Facebook post.
I’ll put together a special 30-Day Organize-athon Q&A post and answer the questions for you.
Leave Your Comment Below…
Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.
See you tomorrow!
[Image by aussiegall]
This one is easy…my fridge iThis has been a very slow crawl for me…but I’m getting better with trying to do something every day. I feel very overwhelmed since school started up again and have to make “me” time just so I can get back on track with everything. I tried a severe dive into dieting again and that exploded in my face, same with organizing…piles everywhere. This week I’m going back to slowly but SURELY…once a day organize something…once a day take a new step towards where I should be eating and exercising…lets see how climbing back on that wagon goes.
Sounds like a little at a time is a good strategy for you, Stacey. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s ok to focus on the small, easy tasks first. Get your groove back, then you can tackle the harder stuff. 🙂
Enjoyed this one, did both fridges and freezers, still took more than 5 mins, but I guess it’s all about making the start and then you stick at it until it’s done 🙂
Exactly! You have permission to stop after 5 minutes but starting is the hard part, so it’s easy-ish to just finish it. 🙂
Done! Thanks!
Pingback: Organize-A-Thon: Week Four « Kathryn Hilton
My fridge is an extension of my pantry – Tupperware all the way lol this is done on a weekly basis, done the day my fresh fruit & veg is delivered to my door (thank you Aussie Farmers Direct)
I put this one off until I could have a day where I could spend more than 5 minutes. I scoured, removed, etc and now it sparkles! Even put a fresh Baking Powder box in.
That really needed to be done. I’d been putting it off, but it really wasn’t that bad. Everything looks nice and neat and now I know exactly what I have.
Been away for Easter Holiday. So today I have got into all the tasks I have missed. My fridge was done before I went, so this was not necessary at this time.
Found some moldy jars of jam. Yuck!
This took awhile last night. Done and loving it 🙂