Be a Featured Author on Get Organized Wizard

Would you like to write a guest post on Get Organized Wizard?

From time to time we like to feature guest posts from other bloggers and organizing sites.

If the following describes you, then we’d love to hear from you:

  • you have your own personal blog about organizing
  • where you regularly publish your own posts
  • you love writing tips and tricks for getting organized

On the other hand, we generally don’t publish posts from people who:

  • don’t have their own blog
  • writing about organizing is a job, not a passion
  • are just guest posting on behalf of a big company or business that is solely focussed on building links

Guest posting guidelines

Here’s what we like to see in guest posts:

  • 500-800 words in length
  • includes tips and tricks for getting organized
  • is written in a personal style with your ‘voice’ (ie not just bland, formal writing)
  • has some images or examples of how you’ve organized
  • is unique (hasn’t been published anywhere else)

Including links in your post:

  • including one or two links to your site is fine as long as:
    • they are clean (ie no affiliate links), and
    • fit the content (ie no blatant keyword insertion links)


How to submit

Guest posting on the site is a two-stage process.

Step 1: Submit topic idea

To register your interest in writing a guest post please do the following:

  1. send an email to helpdesk @ getorganizedwizard . com (remove the spaces)
  2. with the subject line set to exactly: ‘I would love to write a guest post
    Note: set the subject line exactly so that we don’t accidentally delete your request with all the spam auto generated guest post entries we get
  3. include details about:
    • your site (including the URL)
    • what your organizing passion is
    • a suggested topic you will write about
    • what your unique slant on the topic is (ie what you think is particularly interesting about the way you will write about the topic)

Step 2: Submit full post

If we like your guest post idea we will reply to you directly, with details about the next steps. This includes:

  • getting the full post and images from you
  • your bio
  • a photo of you to use on the site in the Author section

Note: We reply to everyone who genuinely submits a request, so if we take a little while to reply it likely indicates we’ve been swamped with submissions.

Even if we don’t decide to proceed with your topic, we’ll still reply, thank you for submitting, and mention our reasons for not proceeding (usually it’s because we’ve been swamped with submission and have too many at the time).

(The only submissions we ignore and don’t reply to, are those that haven’t followed the above steps, or have sent us an automated submission.)

Preparing a guest post