Five Simple Tips to Becoming a Domestic Goddess


For those of us who are domestically challenged, becoming a domestic goddess may seem out of reach. Surely it can’t be that hard, right? Let’s take a look at some simple, yet effective ways to improve our domesticity & start claiming the goddess title.

  1. Experiment with cleaning products
    Not all cleaning products are made equal. Ask your friends what they use or trial different product varieties to see what works best for you. For example, I no longer use cream based cleaning products on my kitchen bench tops. Using a spray instead means I don’t have to spend extra time wiping off residue or streak marks.
  2. Use recipe books with simple, easy to follow instructions
    I’m not a great cook & have many, many cookbooks that I love but don’t use. Mainly because my efforts rarely look like their pictures! I recently received a wonderful recipe book called Beginners, Step By Step. This book offers a great visual step-by-step guide to cooking & improved my cooking ability no-end!
  3. Get handy with some tools.
    Why not pick up a hammer or screwdriver to do some little jobs around the house. I’ve fixed kids toys, hung a few pictures, and repaired frayed carpet. It’s easier than you think.
  4. Laundry organization.
    Allocate certain days of the week to do laundry and stick to it. Towels on Monday. Bed sheets on Wednesday. If you’re working during the day try washing at night and hang them inside to dry overnight. Stick to a routine and you’ll avoid the dreaded laundry basket build up.
  5. Improve your sewing skills.
    Can you sew on a button or stitch up a hem? I’m fairly basic with my sewing skills but can do little jobs. Buttons, hems, rips, tears, darn holes in socks. Anything more challenging is taken to the dressmaker. But it’s been super handy knowing how to thread a needle to stitch up the knees on my sons play clothes.

What is your best tip to help someone become less domestically challenged? 

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