Free, Interactive, Printable To-Do Lists

Tons of free interactive, printable to-do lists and templates to save you time creating your own.
We have printable to-do lists to get organized, printable to-do lists for work, printable weekly to-do lists, printable daily to-do lists and things to do templates. We have hundreds of cool list templates covering Home, Family, Study, Work, Personal Goals and more.

Here’s an example of some of our most popular free to-do lists:
- Movies to See
- Books to Read (Non Fiction)
- Starting my Own Blog
- Activities to Try
- Exercise Log (by Child)
- Weekend Activities
- Interests
- Healthy Food Checklist
- Healthy Meals Planner
- Weekly Chores Roster
- Yearly Activities Planner
- Master Goals List
- Bills to Pay
- Stress Management
- To-do List (Weekly)
- Master To-do List
All beautifully laid out and fully interactive – type directly into the lists, search, save & print. Or simply print and write if you prefer.
All products work with the free Adobe PDF Reader.
I found these to be some of the best and most useful printables. I love that they are free and I didn’t have to try to create them myself because when it comes to technology I am horrible. I started 2017 trying to be more organized and Thanks to these free printables its helped me reach my goal. Almost a month into the new year and it’s helped tremendously! Thanks again! also my husband thanks you too hahaha
You’re welcome Stacy! Thanks for the lovely feedback.
Enjoy getting organized. 🙂
Kylie, Community Manager
I do like your lists but they print out very light. Trying to copy them in black made them even lighter. Not sure if it is due to my computer or what. Any suggestions? For the Master To-Do List I would like a column for Date Entered. Thanks
Would like to see something for planning end of life info with where important papers are at.. bank info, passwords, etc..
Pingback: Selbstmanagement | Chilly Vanilly
I love these lists I keep them and all the extras in a notebook by my love seat so I have them handy! I keep my daily, weekly, grocery lists and any other paperwork I need for the week in a smaller plastic folder that I keep with my purse! I downloaded your goals workbook I had it bound/punched with a clear cover and back! It has helped tremendously because I lost my significant other this past year and my time management and organizational skills have suffered so these lists and the workbook have been a tremendous help to me!! Thanks!
It would be more helpful for me if you offered suggestions rather than telling me to make my own list.
Pingback: Free To Do List Template (Download And Use Free)
My email never came through to download the printables…I’ve tried it multiple times and still no email. Not in spam either. Can you suggest what I need to do?
Man! Your lists have been invaluable to me. I manage six (6) hotels for a total of 540 rooms on Fort Bragg and I have a ‘To Do’ List for each building of things that need o get done. The priority block was a big help too. Instead of guessing which task to do and hedging back and forth on the decisions, the priority block assistsme in that area and I stick to the priority. I love them and I’m glad I found your website.
thank you for offering your ‘free’ printables. yes I printed off several – not only for myself but I have a special needs adult who needs to keep a routine to stay focused and needs to learn also to keep himself organized one day (when I’m no longer here to assist). I will be using some of them right away. thanks again
Pingback: January Joyfulness (New Beginnings) -Let’s Get Organized | Mother's Bee of Good Christian Faith
Finally.. this is so helpful..
This is nice
This is what I need to keep me on track.
Love itttttt niceeeeeeeeeeeee
Now, I have finally found the tools, prompts to get my mind organize and accomplish more projects.
I love planning to be organized!
Love being organized (at least at work)!
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