BRAND NEW 30-Day Weight Loss-athon Pack: Just $4.95 (83% Off) For A Short Time Only

30-Day Weight Loss-athon Pack

You may know I’ve been running a 30-Day Weight Loss-athon over at 52 Weight Loss Missions.

Each day we completed a 10-minute task relating to diet, exercise or mindset. As with all my programs, the focus was on taking action and being accountable. With more than 2,500 people signed up for the daily emails, a lot of action was taken over those 30 days!

I’ve now packaged up the program into a neat little 30-Day Weight Loss-athon Pack containing:

  • The 30-day email series
  • An interactive workbook with:
    – All 30 x 10-minute tasks covering diet, exercise and mindset
    To-do list for each task
    – 30-Day Weight Loss-athon checklist
    – Comment links for commitment and motivation.

The 30-Day Weight Loss-athon Pack is now available for $29. Or…

Get it absolutely FREE

…when you buy the 52 Weight Loss Missions Action Pack.

Get it for only $4.95

…when you use the coupon code 52WLM2012.

Enter the code in the final step of the checkout and the price will reduce from $29 to $4.95 – which is a very cool 83% discount. But please be quick – the code is valid for a short time only.

If you’ve been wanting to lose weight yet haven’t got around to setting your life up for success, then this little program will help you. Because remember – its’ not what you know, it’s what you do.

With the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon Pack you’ll take action every day for a month, and you’ll make real, lasting diet, exercise and mindset changes to help you lose weight.

Learn more about the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon Pack.

1 thoughts on “BRAND NEW 30-Day Weight Loss-athon Pack: Just $4.95 (83% Off) For A Short Time Only

  1. Trish says:

    RE: 30 Day Weight Loss-athon Pack
    You had me at 83% discount!!! Thank you so much Michelle!

    Trish Kennedy
    Media, PA

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