Declutter Your Home For The New Year

Declutter Your Home For The New Year – With BONUS Declutter Checklists For Premium Subscribers

Declutter Your Home For The New Year

Every January I do a Declutter Project.

I go through my home – room by room, cabinet by cabinet, drawer by drawer – and declutter.

It’s not a detailed organizing project. I’m definitely not one of those people who enjoys the cleaning or organizing process – I only love the results. They feel amazing.

Especially these days when so much feels out of our control, it’s comforting and therapeutic to create a pocket of order in our homes. A little sanctuary.

So I quickly scan each area for anything not used in the past 12 months, or anything broken, tatty, or unloved, and I toss it.

Clothes, kitchenware, DVDs, make-up, everything.

I rely on music (usually upbeat 80s tunes), chocolate, and red wine to help make it tolerable.

Some years I take everything out of the area first, wipe the space down, then neatly replace only the good stuff. It depends how much time and motivation I have available. This year I hope to do the more thorough version.

My mantra is Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go.

I’ll be doing my Declutter Project around the second or third week of January. I’ll post my progress each day.

If you’d like to get rid of clutter and feel more organized in 2013 –  then join me!

Declutter Project Checklists – Premium Subscriber BONUS

One of the most motivating ways to get through the decluttering process is to have a checklist that you tick off as you go.

Declutter Project Checklist

The feeling of checking that box at the end of each declutter task is so. very. good.

Last year I used my office whiteboard, but this year I’ve created downloadable, interactive, and printable declutter checklists.

And I’ve made them available as a bonus download, exclusively for my Premium Subscribers.

Declutter Project Checklist BlankThere’s one checklist with my own items pre-filled, with space for you to add more. Plus there’s a completely blank one, too.

Fill them in and mark them off onscreen, or print and write.

If you’re a Premium Subscriber then your Declutter Project Checklists have already been added to your account.

Just log in, download, and start decluttering!


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