Organise Home Protection

Protect Your Home From Break-Ins While You’re On Holiday

Nothing will ruin your holiday more than a break-in at your home.

You may not be able to stop an opportunist from entering your home while you’re away, but there are some things you can do to make it more complicated for them.

Tips To Protect Your Home Before Your Next Holiday

1. Turn Your Phone Ring & Answering Machine Volume Down

If you have a landline, turn down the ringtone volume.

If you have a answer machine, turn down the message volume.

Nothing screams “I”M NOT HOME” more than a phone that rings and rings until you hear “I’m not home right now, leave a message!”

2. Have Someone Collect Your Mail

Avoid mailbox overload and ask someone to come past everyone day or two to collect your mail.

If you don’t know your neighbor it might be a nice ice breaker. You can thank them with a little gift for taking the time to do that for you.

3. Install Automatic Timers

You can have automatic timers installed to make it look like someone is home and keep would-be intruders guessing.

Automatic timers can be used to turn on/off lights, televisions, and radios.

4. Double Lock All Doors & Windows

A lot of us have windows with key locks that are not used every day. Make sure you lock all doors and windows and key lock any ones that you can.

Another little trick here is put a piece of dowel (thin wooden stick) in the tracks of your windows or sliding doors to prevent someone from getting the frames off the tracks.

5. Leave An Old Pair Of Shoes At The Front Door

This will make it look like someone has entered.

You could also ask the neighbour who is collecting your mail to move the shoes around so it looks like someone has been home recently.

6. Get Your Lawns or Garden Attended To

Depending on the length of time you are away, consider asking someone to mow the lawn or tend to the garden.

An overgrown yard is an obvious sign that no-one is home.

7. Install An Alarm System

Not everyone can afford an alarm system but they are a great idea if you do have the funds.

If not, consider placing a home security sticker in your window anyway. Keep the opportunists guessing and they might target to a different home that looks “easier” to gain access to.

What other tips have you found work for you?

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