Spring Cleaning Home

Spring Cleaning Tips For An Organized Home

Spring brings lots of surprises. Sunny skies, fresh produce and new spring fashion. You may be ready for it, but is your house prepared for it?

Spring brings in dusting and scrubbing chores, but don’t let it derail and discourage you. With simple tricks, your spring cleaning need not become an arduous job. By the time you’re done, you’ll get a clean and organized home with dirt and germs sent away.

Here’s a useful list of spring cleaning tricks just for you.

#1 Use Lemons To Remove Water Stains

lemn cleaningImage Credit: simplyfantasticbooks

You must admit that the long winter had turned everything less shiny and musty. It goes to your kitchen and bathroom fixtures. Although there many chemical products available for water stain removals, organic alternative like lemons can be far healthier and less irritating to the skin.

When cleaning hard to remove water stains from fixtures, cut up a lemon in half and just scrub the cut up part on the stains. The citric acid from lemon will work wonders. Rinse the area with water after. You can use this for your windows and crystal bathroom doors.

#2 Use a Window Squeegee To Remove Hair From Carpet

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Carpet hosts everything from dustmites, to human and pet hairs. Regular vacuum cannot remove every stubborn hair that gets stuck in it all throughout the gloomy winter. But if you have a squeegee for your car or for your mirrors, this can come in handy for a carpet fully devoid of hair. Choose one that has a long handle to prevent you from bending too much or use a short handled one while sitting. Move the squeegee back and forth until the rubber in it will loosen the embedded hair.

#3 Vacuum Seal All Your Winter Clothes To Save Space

vacuum seal

Image Credit: Prepinsteps via Buzzfeed

After months of cold winter, most of you will be happy to pack away those heavy winter clothes and bulky blankets. Storing them now though may be too space consuming. To help with that, professional organizers suggest that you vacuum seal them to save space. Sealing them like this may help preserve them from mildew and keep them in good condition for the next winter.

Vacuum sealing is an easy trick you can do by yourself. You’ll need a vacuum and a large plastic bag made especially for vacuum sealing. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Fold your blankets and coats and stack them.
  2. Place them in a large plastic bag.
  3. Insert the vacuum hose into the bag but make sure it’s not touching the plastic.
  4. Seal the mouth of the plastic in the vacuum hose.
  5. Turn on the vacuum.
  6. Watch the plastic shrink and see the clothes inside it flattening as well.
  7. Turn off the vacuum when done but make sure that you’re securing the mouth of the plastic.
  8. You can tie it with a rubber band or use heat sealer for a cleaner and more organized look.

#4 Perk Up For Spring With a New Storage Headboard

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If you’re renovating for spring, give your headboard a perking up like this gorgeous one above. But instead of turning it into the usual headboard, use it to store small things. This will help you organize your room with the extra storage. Those extra drawers look pretty and functional at the same time.

#5 Circle Your Way Around The Kitchen

Since it’s springtime, consider giving your kitchen a thorough cleaning. To avoid spreading germs all over your kitchen, start at the right side of your stove and go clockwise making stove and oven your last place to clean. Since ovens house lots of dried food particles and grease, you will avoid spreading the germs it contain by putting it as the last to-do. Use a vinegar soaked cloth when cleaning the stove or a baking soda dipped sponge.

#6 Use Vinegar To Clean Door and Window Tracks

window tracksImage Credit: Ask Anna Moseley

Vinegar is a great help around the home, especially when cleaning your sliding door tracks. After prolonged use or unused during winter, you can remove dirt and grime with the help of vinegar. Dip a cleaning cloth in white vinegar and begin wiping off the accumulated dirt. For hard to reach part, you can use Q-tips dipped in vinegar as well. Finish off with paper towel afterward.

#7 Organize Your Cups in a Small Space

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Instead of stacking your tea cups and mugs, you can start organizing them through space saving mug hooks. Install the hooks in your cabinet and hang your cups and mugs while you leave a big space for other crockery underneath your mugs. It isn’t just for the spring; you can keep them all year long.

#8 Fold Clothes and Stack Them Vertically

vertical stacking

Image Credit: Core 77

Nothing can sour your mood than a long rummage in the closet or drawer and not finding what you are looking for. To remedy this, fold your clothes the same way but store them vertically in your drawer. This will help you find clothing you are looking for easily and without the hassle. Plus it saves you space. For items that are off-season, put them toward the back of the stack.

#9 Hang Your Brooms

hanging broomImage Credit: Local Noir

When storing your brooms, do not let it sit in the cabinet standing up. Instead, hang them to avoid distorting the shape and splaying its bristles. This way, your broom will last you way past the spring season.

#10 Start From The Ceiling


Image Credit: Real Simple

Always start dusting from the ceiling to avoid repeating your cleaning process. Swipe your ceiling with a ceiling broom, dust your furniture and finally vacuum or sweep the floor for the dust strays. Do it in every room or if you hate dusting, cover your furniture with cloth before cleaning the ceiling to avoid dirt settling in. Also, cover your broom with a towel or microfiber rag for better cleaning.

#11 And.. Do One Room At a Time

Instead of jumping from one room to another, do one room at a time.

Multitasking can do more bad than good.

Start with your room choice and do its cleaning. Seeing one room sparkly clean afterward will give you the right motivation to do another room again in the next few hours or the next day. You can even enlist family help and make it one family day.

Have fun getting organized! Welcome in the new season with a sparkly and squeaky clean home and leave the gloomy winter behind.

2 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning Tips For An Organized Home

  1. Ashmore Carpets says:

    The Carpet Gold Coast experience is synonymous with luxury and comfort. The exquisite designs and textures they offer transform a mere floor into a canvas of warmth and sophistication.

  2. cleaning solution says:

    What do you need to spend time and energy on during this season? Spring cleaning! It’s a great way to get rid of unwanted clutter and make your home feel fresh again. Take the time now to tackle some of these tasks, and then enjoy your new-found space all summer long.

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