need new interests

3 Tips For Finding New Interests

In a previous blog we talked about the five reasons why it’s great to take on a new hobby.  To recap; a new hobby can help you improve:

  1. Time management skills
  2. Procrastination issues
  3. Social skills
  4. Self confidence
  5. Stress levels.

A new hobby or interest not only increases your happiness, but also your productivity.

You may find yourself re-evaluating your life now.

Families change, children find their own way in life, there may have been a separation, divorce or death. Whatever the turn of events, if you have more time to spare and less desire to fill that void with work, then it’s time to redesign your life.

How To Find New Interests

The best way to rejuvenate your life is to find a new interest. Perhaps even reinvent yourself!

Think about things that bring your joy. Think about things that make you unhappy. Work out ways to increase the joy and alleviate the unhappiness.  Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Redesign Life Physically

Let’s start with tangible things.

Redesign and change physically.  Whether it be your body, your health or your living space.

Studies show that eating healthily and increasing exercise can significantly change your outlook on life.

And we know all too well from member feedback, that decluttering your home provides great satisfaction & gives you that kick start you need to continue to simplify other areas of your life.

Here’s a simply mantra:  if things doesn’t spark joy, let them go.

2. Redesign Socially

Extroverts will love this idea. Introverts may already have stopped reading. But hear it out before you decide to abandon this tip!

Typically a new interest or hobby will involve some kind of group setting.

Extroverts might love the local Zumba class. Grab some friends and head down to the nearest studio for some heart-thumping fun.

Introverts might prefer something less “out there”. For example, an painting class would be a smaller, intimate group activity with the focus on the skill of painting. Or consider some Facebook groups that cater perfectly for introverts who crave minimal small talk, group hugs or “tell us about yourself” cringe-worthy moments. You purely opt-in for virtual social interaction with like-minded peeps.

3. Tap Into Your Wants

Here are some simple examples of how you can reinvest your life and your space:

  • Have you always wanted to get fit but feel too self-conscious to go to a gym or join a fitness group? Buy the things you need and arrange an exercise area in the garage.
  • Do you dream about writing a book? Redecorate a spare room and make it your very own writer’s nook.
  • If you want adventure then start planning a holiday.
  • Do you miss someone who lives far away? Plan a visit.
  • Do you see pics of others experiencing things and think I wish I could do that? Get some friends together for high tea. Jump out of a plane. Start riding your bike. Go diving. Start fishing. Buy a puppy. Start growing a vegetable patch. Sew a dress. Design birthday cards. Learn calligraphy. Start gardening. Brew your own beer!

The secret is to find within you the passion for something and make it happen.

Got It – But Want More Simplicity?

If this all sounds great but you’re looking for more, then consider what else you can do to simplify your life.

Our next online program starts soon and is perfect for those who:

  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Have too much stuff
  • Have too little time
  • Don’t have your priorities in order
  • Are drowning in chaos
  • Find it hard to think straight because there’s too much on your mind

We’ll help you on your way to a simpler, calmer, happier life with our 21 Day Simplify Your Life Challenge.

The 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge begins Monday 24 October (US time).

And for a limited time is on SALE for $29. Click here for the details.

FREE For Premium Subscribers

As with all our programs, this program is FREE for Premium Subscribers.

Simply log in to your My Account Page and join us at any time, from anywhere, starting Monday 24 October (US time).

To see upcoming programs, check out the Program Schedule.

1 thoughts on “3 Tips For Finding New Interests

  1. Zoe Campos says:

    Thank you for telling me that I should try to find my passion within myself in order to find ways on how I could make it happen. I’ve always been into sewing and crafting different products, but I’ve never had the opportunity to learn new things and create more materials. I’ll follow your advice and challenge myself to see if I can create a traditional handcrafted Bodhran drum myself.

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