If you’re the type of person who has a bit of a challenge staying organized, a good way to tackle this problem is to focus on creating an organized morning routine. Starting the day off right with your tasks in mind, and a clear path to taking care of all of them will make life much easier for you.
1. Take care of yourself first
Oftentimes, busy moms who are juggling careers and families leave themselves little or no time for themselves. But this is a recipe for chaos (and becoming unhappy!). It’s best to carve out some special time to take care of yourself, such as by scheduling exercise, yoga, or meditation to help jumpstart your day.

2. Create a personal care bin
Keeping personal items at the ready, stored in a convenient bin will be enormously helpful. At a glance, you’ll find soothing creams, your favorite aromatherapy products, massage oil, and other items designed to help you live your very best life.
3. Make sure you get proper sleep every day
If you wake up too sleepy to think straight, it’s more difficult to get and stay organized.

4. Know how long it takes you to get ready
Be honest with yourself. If necessary, use the timer on your smartphone to see how much time it truly takes to get you out the door. You may think you can be done within 15 minutes, while this is just half of the time you typically require.
5. Work on changing your way of thinking
If you have fallen into a pattern of putting off things because your schedule will be freer the next day or later in the week, think again! Try to be more efficient with your available hours each day and you’ll stay organized more easily.

6. Prepare the evening before
An easy way to buy yourself some extra time in the morning is to simply prepare things the night before. Layout your clothing, have your gear charged and ready to go. You might even prepare lunch before bed, so it’s ready to grab and go when you arise.
7. Put your plan in writing
A tried and true way to motivate yourself to reach new goals is to actually put them into writing. You can tape a note to your bathroom mirror to remind you about your new organizational plans, as a reminder.

8. Once you formulate a plan, be consistent and stick with it!
If at first, your plan doesn’t succeed, give it some time. It takes a while to break old habits and create new ones.
Practice Makes Perfect When Getting Organized
If you slip from your new routine and find yourself getting somewhat disorganized as a result, don’t be hard on yourself about it. People need some time to get accustomed to a new way of doing things. Just think of all that you’ll be able to accomplish, so much more effectively, once you have your morning routine squared away.
Start your day with a smile and everything will be lighter.
Awesome post once again. Having a morning routine is something I recently started doing and it has helped me a lot. I will for sure be adding some of your ideas to my routine. Thank you!
Getting motivated in the morning is so hard for me. I always find myself procrastinating and not wanting to get out of bed. Having an organized morning routine is definitely something I want to try! I like your tips on ways to get motivated and being able to stick to the plan.
I really need this kind of advice. I’m 62 next month, so I should be able to do this. However, I do deal with some chronic illnesses. I’m looking forward to your next post!!! Thank you.❤
Excellent post. An organized routine is a good idea to make the most of your time. Thank you for this contribution, it will help both me and my partner. Thank you
If you can win the morning, you can win the day.
I get up 30 min early. One day clean both baths. One day dust. Etc. Makes a big difference.