Valentine’s Day Edition: Relationships Round-Up

Valentines Day

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my lovely readers!

To me Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance, it’s a great reminder to focus on all the relationships in our lives.

So I thought I’d put together some posts from the archives that touch on organizing our relationships better.

I hope you find something here to add a little more love to your life! ♡♥♡♥♡♥

Good Relationships: 10 Tips To Make Sure You Never Have Them

Good Relationships: 10 Tips To Make Sure You Never Have Them Sick and tired of hearing how important relationships are?
On Valentine’s Day it’s timely to remember those who don’t want to enjoy good relationships.
Follow these [lighthearted!] tips and you need never again concern yourself with having good (or any) relationships – whether with romantic partners, family or friends.
1. Be Right. Always.  […] Continue reading…

How To Get What You Want: 3 Dos & Don’ts

How To Get What You Want: 3 Dos & Don’ts

Well, yes – it’s likely you’ll get exactly what you want most of the time if you’re as adorable as this little charmer.
But even if you score a little lower on the cuteness scale, there are things you can do to radically increase your chances of getting what you want.
If you find yourself frustrated that you never get what you want, try these dos and don’ts. How To Get […] Continue reading…  

6 Exercises For Improving Your Relationship

6 Exercises For Improving Your Relationship

Note: This is an edited extract from e-class 41 of the Relationships module of the Design Your Life Program.
When we stop and think about what’s most important to us, we often say ‘relationships’. But we rarely, if ever, proactively take inventory of our relationships, or consciously think of ways to improve them.
If your relationship could do with a shot in the arm, here are 6 little […] Continue reading…

How To Survive Your High School Reunion

How To Survive Your High School Reunion

Last week I went to my 25-year high-school reunion. How can that be? Most days I still feel about 12.
Leading up to the reunion I chatted with my present-day friends, and was surprised that many of them dreaded the thought. Why?
I got fat, said one.
I wouldn’t know what to say to them, said another.
But I think secretly they’d love to catch up […] Continue reading…

Enjoy Good Relationships [Mission #23]

Enjoy Good Relationships [Mission #23]

Good relationships have many health and longevity benefits, yet we rarely consider how we can improve our friendships.
This week, over the next 3 steps and 30 minutes, that’s exactly what we’ll do. 
Get Organized Mission #23: Declutter Your Friends
Step 1: List Your […] Continue reading…  

Getting Organized Quick Tip #6: How To Never Forget a Birthday or Anniversary [Outlook Users]

Getting Organized Quick Tip #6: How To Never Forget a Birthday or Anniversary [Outlook Users]

Can’t for the life of you remember important dates?
Always in trouble for having no gift/card/ excuse on that special day?
If you’re an Outlook user, this Get Organized Quick Tip will give you peace of mind – as well as getting you out of the doghouse and into the good books.  Getting Organized Quick Tip #6: How To Never Forget a Birthday or Anniversary
In a previous Get Organized Quick Tip we […] Continue reading…

5 People Who Aren’t Responsible For Your Happiness

5 People Who Aren’t Responsible For Your Happiness

Who do you look to to make your life happy and fulfilling? Are they making the grade? There are some people to whom you really shouldn’t delegate responsibility for your happiness. Don’t worry – there are only five. 1. Your spouse. You’ve committed yourself to your spouse for life. Doesn’t that entitle you to their undying efforts to keep you happy? Thankfully, no…  Continue reading…

Organizing Q & A | How To Deal With OPD – Other People’s Disorganization: My Top 3 Tips

Organizing Q & A | How To Deal With OPD – Other People’s Disorganization: My Top 3 Tips

If you have a question about a post, personal organization, decluttering, simplicity or goals, simply post your question on the blog.
If it’s of broad interest I’ll do my best to answer helpfully in this Q & A ‘column’.
And of course if you have insights of your own, feel free to share them as well. Q: There’s a fellow manager at work who’s a train […] Continue reading…

Get Organized Mission #5: Become a Smart Verbal Communicator

Get Organized Mission #5: Become a Smart Verbal Communicator

This week’s task will help you save time and increase productivity every single day – simply by being smarter and more proactive in your routine verbal communications.
Your challenge this week is to spend 30 minutes creating simple templates […]

Continue reading…

[Main image by Donna L. Faber]

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