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30-Day Organize-athon | Week 3 Prize For Getting Organized

52 Missions Home Organizing Program

Can you believe we’re into the fourth and final week of the 30-Day Organize-athon?

One of my favorite things to do each morning is to read over the previous day’s comments (I read them all!) and enjoy the wonderful reports of decluttering, home organization and personal clarity that you guys share with me and with each other. It puts a huge smile on my face! Open-mouthed smile <—huge smile!

Once again, thank you for your commitment and amazing efforts.

This week’s prize winner is Debra Stanley. Congrats Debra! Debra wins a copy of our hugely popular 52 Missions Home Organizer. We’ll be in touch about your prize Debra, or feel free to contact us at HelpDesk@GetOrganizedWizard.com.

52 Missions Home Organizer guides you step-by-step to simplify, organize and declutter your life – home, work, personal time, health, morning routines, chores, car, kitchen, bedroom, storage spaces, money, productivity, negative thinking, relationships, happiness, and much more. All you have to do is one 30-minute ‘mission’ each week. The missions come in 4 interactive workbooks of more than 470 pages, and every mission has an interactive planning worksheet, to-do list and success journal, as well as online check-ins, to help you make the most of your time, log ideas and track your progress. Very motivating! Many of the missions also have links for you to download extra materials for free. And it’s proven – check out the hundreds of success stories.

There are more prizes to come next week, and after Day 30, including The Works! Pack, which contains our entire collection of organizing and productivity products and membership programs, including Organize in 5, 52 Missions Home Organizer, Life & Goal Organizer, Design Your Life, My Business Organizer, and heaps more.

So keep doing your 5-minute organizing tasks and checking in each day on the relevant blog post to be in the running for prizes. If you’re after accountability you can also check in to say you’ve completed the day’s task on Facebook.

See you real soon for Day 23’s task. It’s a bit different to the usual, but I think you’ll like it. Smile

9 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Week 3 Prize For Getting Organized

  1. bee says:

    Done. That is I’ve done some thinking on how to schedule & apply regular spurts of effort to some dreaded chores. I’ve also been thinking about how to extend & internalize some of the motivation this month of organizing missions has generated for me.

    btw, My cousin had a great, nearly clutter free party favor for all the kids who attended: a CD of the birthday girl’s favorite songs which range from Sesame St to Ella Fitzgerald & included two songs our grandmother used to sing to us.

  2. bee says:

    Begun! (not ‘done’)
    This is great. I have a long drive to attend a birthday bash for my cousin’s 3 year old, which is being held at a zoo. The ride will be well spent thinking carefully abt both components of this day’s mission.

    Special congrats are due to Michele for inspiring us all. Thanks

  3. Raleigh says:

    I wanted to be gorgeous again 😮


    You really deserve this, I also love reading your posts and blog.


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