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52 Organizing Missions

Welcome to Mission 13 of our 52 Get Organized Missions.

Having all our emergency contact numbers in one neat list is a personal organization task we know we should tackle, but one we don’t always get around to.

If you’ve created some order with your finances after completing the previous mission (Get Organized Mission 12: Organize Your Accounts & Credit Cards), congratulations.

With my nifty Emergency Contact List Worksheet, the task becomes a breeze. (We’ve had a few challenging missions lately, so I figure it’s time for an easy one.)

This is an important mission – and one that will bring you peace of mind.

Remember: you only need 30 minutes for the basic mission.

Extended Options are below.

If you’re new, you might like to start here: 52 Organizing Missions.


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1 thoughts on “Mission 13: Organize Your Emergency Contacts

  1. terryl1776@yahoo.com says:

    Our group responses are as follows: We hope this never happens but in case you can’t speak for yourself you need to have your medical information posted in your home where the emergency medical team can access your medical information
    You should also carry a copy on you or your bag or purse in an envelope marked to be opened in a medical emergency
    You should also give a copy to your emergency contact person so they can speak for you if they are contacted by the emergency medical team
    Where I live we have to complete an ID card and place it on our inside door so the emergency medical team has my proper medical information. The card has the following information on it: Your Name; SS#; Your Address; Your Phone #; DOB; Medicare; Medicaid; Other Medical Insurance; Relative/Relation; Their Phone #; 2nd Contact; Their Phone #; Primary Care Physician; Phone #; Physician; Phone #; Physician; Phone #; Church Affiliation; Hospital; Diagnosis; Prescription Medications; Medical Device Implant; Physician Name and #; Date Completed; Allergies
    For people with medical device implants we suggest you have a medical ID necklace or bracelet. Also attach a copy of the Medical Identification Card in your envelopes. The card is required by law in the USA.

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