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52 Organizing Missions

Welcome to Mission 50 of our 52 Get Organized Missions.

For many people, reducing debt is the first step toward a sound financial future.

And one of the best ways to reduce debt is to get organized and create a debt-repayment plan – which is exactly what we’ll do in the next 30 minutes.

Remember: you only need 30 minutes for the basic mission. Extended Options are below.
If you’re new, you might like to start here -> 52 Organizing Missions.

Note: If you haven’t already, you may like to first complete Get Organized Mission 12: Organize Your Accounts & Credit Cards.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, it’s organizing advice. If you need financial advice, please get yourself off to a financial professional.


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3 thoughts on “Mission 50: Get Rid Of Debt

  1. terryl1776@yahoo.com says:

    The following is how we would get rid of our debt:
    SAVE Saving is the best way to pay off your debt but it will require you to sacrifice a bit of luxury in our lifestyle. Goal is to put a small amount in your savings account monthly and let it grow. What amount can you save ______ per month?
    GENERATE EXTRA INCOME Do you have a talent you could use to generate some cash income? I.e. sewing; computer work; computer repair; driving people to appointments or grocery stores
    SPEND SMART This is a toss-up between your WANTS and your NEEDS. Pay cash wherever possible to eliminate using your plastic cards.
    CREATE A BUDGET Creating a weekly and monthly budget will help you focus on the things you really need. It will also show you your fixed expenses vs your personal expenses
    CONSIDER DEBT SETTLE PROGRAMS/CONSOLIDATING YOUR DEBT There is many debt settlement programs available. Qualified debt counselors can eliminate a lot of interest and make payment arrangements monthly within your fixed finances. They need copies of your fixed expenses and out of pocket expenses. I would suggest you add extra to your out of pocket expenses so you have enough money for yourself per month.

    • Kylie Browne says:

      I love the idea of using your talents to gain a little extra income. People are always complaining about being time-poor, tapping into one of those everyday needs is a great idea.
      Thanks to the group. Kylie, Community Manager

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