Cate Williams

I just started reading some of your posts and comments people have made and went into your website and just loved it…the way you write, your tips, some hilarious sayings and quotes and your comments on happiness and how going into action makes us so happy. Lots of food for thought as I comtemplate my […]


“Ok, so I started, I walked and filled. Suddenly I noticed, the bag was dragging and was bursting at the seams. Huh, ok another bag. Hey my 30 minutes is up, still I can’t stop now I’m just into the swing of things. So on and on and on. 4.5 hours later, 6 bags….and I […]

Steve Tames

I came across your web site while looking for some organization/goal setting plans for my sons. I am a firm believer in goal setting and feel that organization/time management/goal setting are educational areas that are lacking in our schools these days. Your organizational tools are wonderful and very easy for young people to understand and […]

Nicki Hutley

“The thing I like most about it is that, for a list-maker like me, it’s irresistible: when I’ve made a list I just have to cross everything off it. In December I started on the household and got so much done… On xmas day I started with health & fitness and am very motivated.”


I did it!! I threw away 40-50 pounds of junk! Thanks for giving me permission to throw away clothes. I hate throwing clothes in the trash, would rather give to charity. But I didn’t want them and who else would?? NOBODY! That’s why it is trash! Thanks. BTW- you are my husband’s new best friend.”


“Organized my presentation. I managed to clear out clothes that don’t fit, are too old, as well as shoes, jewelry. I pared things down to the point that what I have left fits well, looks good and I love to wear. This has been a most successful site for me. Thank you.”