Monthly Archives: February 2014

30 Day Weight Loss-athon

The Kick-Start You Need To Lose Weight!

Come and join me! If you have a few extra pounds you’d like to shed, and are looking for a burst of motivation, inspiration and community support to help you take action, then look no further! Starts Monday! I’m running a 30-Day Weight Loss-athon and it starts this Monday, 3 March, US time. A whole […]

Colorful Medicine

Fives Must-Haves For Your Medicine Cabinet

When my little one fell over this week and took some skin off, I headed straight to the medicine cupboard. Naturally. Not that long ago, I sent some time sorting and organizing this cupboard, so feeling rather confident, I told my son, ‘don’t worry, Mommy has just the thing for that!’. But I didn’t. Oh my, […]

Hidden Gems

Clutter Interrupted! Stop Getting Distracted By The Cool Stuff You Find!

You know what I’m talking about! The screeching halt that overcomes you once you find something ‘loved and lost’ while trying to declutter. For me, it’s photographs. I can’t help myself. I get swept away in memories and then, before I know it, waaaay too much time has passed and my declutter task remains unfinished. […]

No Time To Get Organized

Help! I’m Stuck In The Vortex Of Procrastination!

Recently, a Get Organized Wizard subscriber requested our help. She was coping well with new challenges and tasks she was facing in her everyday life. But she had a deep, dark secret. A room full of clutter backlog she couldn’t face. Dunt, dunt, duuunt! Does that sounds familiar? Sometimes it’s a drawer that hides receipts, […]

Mental Alertness

8 simple ways to increase your mental alertness

Watching my friends Mom jump on board the Candy Crush craze initially had me shaking my head in wonder. Why was this intelligent lady choosing to play an online game instead of being outdoors, reading a book or cooking up a storm?  It was most unlike her. But as she successfully made her way up […]