Tag Archives: clutter

7 Questions to ask when throwing away stuff

7 Questions to ask when throwing away stuff

Making the decision to actually get rid of stuff you don’t want anymore may have taken you a while, but now that you’ve decided to eliminate unneeded things and make more space in your home, it’s worth giving the matter some consideration before you begin.


How To Optimize the Space In Your Home Without Spending Money

Optimizing the space in your home can make things feel less cluttered. It can also reduce anxiety, and help you feel more relaxed and comfortable. Here’s your best approach:

How to organize the 'junk drawer'?

How to organize the ‘junk drawer’?

There are a lot of ways to deal with the junk drawer. Even if it’s piled full of all kinds of things that have been there for years, it can still be cleaned and organized so everyone can find the things they’re looking for in it.

How to declutter a tiny house?

How to declutter a tiny house?

Sustainable, affordable, and convenient — tiny houses are all the rage. But when you have a tiny house, just a little clutter can quickly become a chore. Tiny houses have to be well-organized, or they quickly become suffocating. Here are some tips for keeping your tiny house minimalist and serene.

How Can I Get Peace of Mind Fast? Quick Decluttering Wins

How Can I Get Peace of Mind Fast? Quick Decluttering Wins

Do you want to declutter but often find yourself worried about where to start? Decluttering is a process—and sometimes it’s easier to do it with small, incremental changes rather than all at once. You can give yourself a positive boost of energy by setting yourself up with measured, achievable tasks. Here are some decluttering “quick wins” that you can complete in a matter of minutes.

Tackling an Overwhelming Cluttered Home: How to Declutter and Where to Start

Tackling an Overwhelming Cluttered Home: How to Declutter and Where to Start

Let’s face it: clutter is stressful. You know what’s even more stressful? Dealing with all that clutter! It’s a nasty catch-22 that keeps many of us stressed out, fatigued, and not as mentally healthy as we could be. Fortunately, there are solutions.

Back to Work in 2019: How To Keep Your Closet Clear Of Clutter

Back to Work: How To Keep Your Closet Clear Of Clutter

If you ever feel stuck when it comes to work outfits; you’re not alone.

Having an organized closet is a great way to get ready to get back into work after the holidays.

Like any organizing project, this comes with a few challenges.

Here’s some tips for achieving an organized closet.

Other People's Clutter

How To Live With A Messy Partner & Not Lose Your Mind

Why is the laundry not folded? Why are the breakfast dishes still in the sink at dinner time? Why are all of the jars open? Living with a messy partner can be one of the most frustrating things about your spouse. Sometimes it can seem like you just can’t get through to them. But messy and clean “odd […]